Exporting suri

Exporting suri from New Zealand is easy and a wise choice. New Zealand is an island nation with very strict biosecurity regulations and monitoring programmes which has kept it free from many livestock diseases found in North and South America, Europe and Australia. NZ alpaca only need to meet the quarantine requirements for the country they are being exported to (3-6 weeks depending on the country).

Exporting from NZ is as easy as...





Select the Thistledown suri you would like to buy. We will send you the information you request e.g. parentage, health, pregnancy status.

Once you have made your selection we have the animals vet checked and a report is sent to you.

If your country requires the animals to be screened, we will organise to have this done.

We will let you know what the quarantine costs will be and discuss this with you.


Once the suri have passed all the required assessments we will arrange their transport to the quarantine facility. We are often able to do this ourselves. We will inform you of any associated costs prior to transportation.

We can provide advice on quarantine facilities and transport options.

The suri will be in quarantine for 3-6 weeks depending on the import requirements of your country. 


We manage all the paperwork required by the quarantine facility and the NZ government for the animals.

The quarantine facility will keep you regularly informed on the status of your animals while they are in quarantine.

The quarantine facility organises all the transport (flights and trucks) required to get the animals to your country. This is included in the quarantine costs.

They will work with you to determine the best way to get the animals to your farm and their new home.